What is your personal brand posture?

For we are God’s handiwork,

created in Christ Jesus, to do good works,

which God prepared in advance for us to do. 

—Ephesians 2:10. NIV

This verse serves as one of my anchor scriptures because within it are insights to the reasons we were all created and it supports one of my overarching beliefs which is that we were all created to create progress for humankind - to do the good works that God prepared in advance and created us to do.  Good works is the offspring or the actualization or realization of the potential within you. 

According to Merriam Webster,  po·ten·tial [/pəˈten(t)SHəl/] is defined as (1) A currently unrealized ability or (2) Having or showing the capacity to become.

One of the key takeaways to note is that  potential is not yet what it is meant to be, and while this ability or capacity is on the inside of you, it is called potential. But its purpose belongs on the outside of you, to be actualized, to be realized, to materialize and become a part of your personal brand.  Maximizing your personal brand potential is in essence being the solution you were meant to be.

What good is your brand potential locked up on the inside of you?

One of my favorite quotes is by John A. Shedd, and it says:

“A Ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.”

Translation….Your Brand Potential, while safe on the inside of you does you or the world no good when it is locked up on the inside of you.  That potential on the inside of you is meant to be a solution to someone else’ struggle and until you release it, that potential is merely the ability to become, and there is no glory in that.

You were tailor made for a specific “good works”. A critical step in maximizing your brand potential is figuring out what makes you You.  What is your purpose? Why were you handcrafted?  

Your personal brand is the combination of your uniqueness, your talents, your gifts, and your experiences, that together are foundational to maximizing and actualizing your brand potential.

But oftentimes there are blockers that minimizes the potential of your personal brand.  These blockers often show up as:

S.H.A.M.E. - Oftentimes you are too ashamed to become because you are hanging on to a past negative experience or a behavior that you believe and feel disqualifies you from being the next level You.  But shame leads to Sabotaging Habits that are Aimed at Minimizing your Existence.  Shame will keep your brand potential locked up on the inside of you!  Embrace that we all have flaws, and while we are created perfect in Christ, we are humans and as a result we make mistakes and we encounter negative experiences.  But in combination your mistakes and your experiences are foundational to your purpose.

F.E.A.R. -  This is the absence of courage and oftentimes that absence of courage is based on the popular acronym we know as False Evidence Appearing Real, which describes the often false narrative in your mind space. That narrative is often about control - it is meant to keep you safely in your comfort zone because you have have no control over the outcome of the situation that which you fear. Be courageous and thrive through your fears. Need help, I have a course The 6 C’s to Thriving Through Your Fears for you.

Mis-Defined You - This is at the core of how you define who you are. What is the lexicon you use in defining you, your capabilities, the world and your place in it.   Your words have power and has the ability to minimize or maximize and actualize your personal brand potential.  Catapulting you to the next level You.

Here are a few steps to maximizing and unleashing your personal brand potential for the next level you:

  1. Lean into God’s Power - 2 Timothy 1:7 notes that you were not given a spirit of fear, but of power, love and sound mind.

  2. Focus on your T.U.G. - your Talents, your Uniqueness, and your Gifts are your strengths, and within them are the keys to your purpose.

  3. Get comfortable with discomfort - be willing to leave your comfort zone. There is no growth in your comfort zone. Where you belong is your Zone of Radiance. It may be uncomfortable at first ….every uncharted territory usually is.

  4. Visualize your potential in action - What is the solution you were created to be and for who? Remember that T.U.G.? Within it are the keys.

  5. Take massive actions to Being it - Intentional and consistent actions are a required prerequisite. Consider who do you need to become (not in an imposter way) to actualize your brand potential? What habits do you need to cultivate? What thoughts will support and fuel those new habits? Think empowering, optimistic thoughts

Do your best with what you are given.  You got this!

I invite you to order my book “Redefining Her, my Journey to Self-Acceptance and Love”, where my mission is to empower other women of faith through the lens of my experiences  and my personal development platform to embrace their value, empowering them to walk in confidence despite what they have been through and live a life of I.M.P.A.C.T.


Georgia Wolfe Samuels is a Catalyst for Women, championing them in seeking a life of purpose and impact. She empowers women to Redefine their personal brand, ultimately creating space to amplify their impact, net-worth and legacy by teaching principles of self-belief - authentically and intentionally defining the stories they tell themselves about themselves, personal branding and divine connection. Sign up for resources to help you in amplifying your personal brand you at www.georgiawolfesamuels.com.


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