What is your personal brand posture?

This past weekend I had the privilege of incubating for 3 days at the luxurious Chateu Elan Hotel in Braselton, GA as an attendee of The Living and Leading Well Retreat. While the hotel grounds were absolutely astounding, the most important and fulfilling element of the retreat were the bonding opportunities with like-motivated ladies, the intellectual stimulation and the mental-stretch that I absolutely needed to ground me in my present self in addition to my next venture (stay tuned).

 For many, self-care is regarded as fancy facials and fancy spa visits. While I am a big fan of a spa treat, they are not the only method to practicing self-care.  Self-care is the act of nurturing our overall wellness, …….. Self-care is also our individual responsibility.  Self-care should be our priority.  The dimensions of self-care encompass our mental well-being, physical well-being, financial well-being, spiritual well-being and emotional well-being (referred to as the pillars of our well-being), and is defined as the state of being aligned, happy and healthy within these various dimensions of our lives.

 As we approach the holiday season, a new year and beyond, I invite you to own and live your power by first choosing you – choose to be well! Wellness will look different for each of us. 

 Here are 5 ways to Approach prioritizing your well-being and make the best choices for yourself (and ultimately and indirectly your loved ones and those connected to you) regardless of what self-care looks like for you: 

Be Intentional about what it is that you need at any given time.

Self-awareness is the pre-requisite to being intentional about our needs. Be honest with yourself regarding which dimension of your well-being needs attention? What are the activities that brings you joy, and peace in that particular area? If nothing comes to mind, research and try different activities until you find one that resonates with you. Pause and indulge in those activities with intention.

Establish safe boundaries.

For us women who are often regarded as superwoman – your well-being will require you to lose the cape.  Superwoman is notorious for saying yes except when it comes to her needs – let’s change that!  Sometimes you have to say “no” to say “yes” to you.  

 Imagine from a place of abundance.

Imagine from a place of abundance, knowing that you are enough, you are worthy, and that as Rolling Stones put it, “you may not always get what you want but if you try sometimes, you might find that you get what you need”.

 New day, New Opportunity.

 Each day is a new opportunity to be and feed yourself the what and the who that you need. Take what you need unapologetically!


Give yourself grace, knowing that life is a journey, and that the true joy comes in the journey to your Becoming.

 Here is to an all-encompassing better you in the new year and beyond.

Georgia Wolfe Samuels is a Catalyst for Women, championing them in seeking a life of purpose and impact. She empowers women to Redefine their personal brand, ultimately creating space to amplify their impact, net-worth and legacy by teaching principles of self-belief - authentically and intentionally defining the stories they tell themselves about themselves, personal branding and divine connection. Sign up for resources to help you in amplifying your personal brand you at www.georgiawolfesamuels.com.


What is Your Personal Brand Posture


Maximizing Your Personal Brand Potential